This site is here because the author believes it to be consistent with his mission statement and that it is what God wants him to do. “My Little Inspired Book” was the first thing he put on here and is a good place to start reading. He envisions this site to be used to post things to as he is led to, or he feels more explanation is needed to help others understand something, so please check on it from time to time to see what may have been added. It might be a good idea to add this site to your favorite list so you can find it easily in the future. Also feel free to share this site so God can use this work in others’ lives as well.
A little about the author:
When he was young in grade school he thought the story of Solomon in the bible was awesome. He decided to copy Solomon and ask for wisdom, knowing that it would come a little at a time over time. For years, as he looks back at his life, he thought his prayers went unanswered. Then one day, he realized that the first bit of wisdom he got that he could remember was the definition of wisdom. Wisdom is knowledge given to you by God. This may be information that you see in a different way than most, or insights that you or very few others seem to have. He received more wisdom nuggets over time, some he realized that were from God, others he did not. He stopped praying for wisdom when one of those nuggets was that he was to take action and do something with what he received. That scared him. God didn’t give up on him, he kept working though the back door and sometimes marching in the front door with a parade so as to be sure he got noticed. Over the next 40 to 50 years many things happened that brought him to the creation of this web page. Wisdom nugget: God sometimes uses people in ways you would not believe IF you choose to let him.